Session Details

HPL 7: Simulation and Modeling

Thu. Jun 12, 2025 10:40 AM - 12:10 PM JST
Thu. Jun 12, 2025 1:40 AM - 3:10 AM UTC
Room 4(4F)

[28-01]Simulating the Unseen: Unveiling Defect Mechanisms in Laser Beam Welding

*Tobias Florian1, Klaus Schricker2, Constantin Zenz1, Michele Buttazzoni1, Carlos Durán1, Andreas Otto1 (1. Institute of Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies, Tu Wien (Austria), 2. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Joining and Welding Technology (Germany))

[28-02]Multi-Physics Simulations to find optimal tailored Beam-Shaping Solutions to improve Industrial Laser Welding

Avinash Kumar1, Carlos Duran2, Tobias Florian1, Constantin Zenz2, Adeline Orieux1, *Gwenn Pallier1, Guillaume Labroille1, Andreas Otto2 (1. Cailabs (France), 2. Technische Universität Wien (Austria))

[28-03]Numerical and physical simulation of laser beam welding
of high strength steel to reduce distortion and cold cracking

*Ralf Ossenbrink1, Eric Wasilewski1, Michael Kaneneks1, Nikolay Doynnov2, Klaus Schricker1 (1. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg (Germany), 2. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria))

[28-04]Vapour flow optimization by means of coherent beam combining beam shaping strategies to reduce spatter in laser welding

*Felix Zaiß1, Philipp Jablonski1, Christian Diegel2, Jean Pierre Bergmann2, Christian Hagenlocher1, Thomas Graf1 (1. Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW), University of Stuttgart (Germany), 2. Production Technology Group, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany))