Session Details

HPL 8: Industrial Applications 1

Thu. Jun 12, 2025 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Thu. Jun 12, 2025 5:00 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 4(4F)

[32-01]Keyhole stabilisation effect and spatter-free welding with Adjustable Mode Beam fiber lasers.

*Iurii Markushov1, Alexander Jabbari1, Aleksandr Oreshkin2, Andrey Gorskiy2 (1. IPG Photonics (United States of America), 2. IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG (Germany))

[32-02]OCT Sensor Technology enables guaranteed quality and *First Time Right* in 3D printing with powder and wire

*Markus Kogel-Hollacher1, Steffen Boley2, Christian Staudenmaier2, Frederic Adam2, Heinz-Ingo Schneider3 (1. Precitec Optronik GmbH (Germany), 2. Precitec GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), 3. Siemens AG Additive Manufacturing (Germany))

[32-03]Investigating the effects of processing head and substrate inclination on the EHLA process: impact on track formation and surface roughness

*Eduard Weisser1, Jan-Niclas Peters1, Viktor Glushych1, Yingwei Wu1, Norbert Pirch1, Jonas Abels2 (1. Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT (Germany), 2. HD Sonderoptiken für die Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Germany))

[32-04]10 years of Honda laser blanking ~ A history engraved with lasers, and sometimes miscuts~

*Masahiro Takita1 (1. HONDA MOTOR CO.,LTD. (Japan))