Session Details
HPL 11: Process Monitoring and Control
Fri. Jun 13, 2025 10:40 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Fri. Jun 13, 2025 1:40 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Fri. Jun 13, 2025 1:40 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Room 4(4F)
[45-01]X-Ray imaging of keyhole behaviour during laser beam welding
*Klaus Schricker1, Jean Pierre Bergmann2, Leander Schmidt2, Alexander Rack3 (1. Brandenburg University of Technology, Chair of Joining and Welding Technology (Germany), 2. Technische Universität Ilmenau, Production Technology Group (Germany), 3. ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble (France))
[45-02]AI Powered Laser Welding Process Monitoring in combination with beam shaping
*Markus Kogel-Hollacher1, Joachim Schwarz3, Stefan Birmanns 2 (1. Precitec Optronik GmbH (Germany), 2. Precitec GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), 3. Precitec Vision GmbH & Co. KG (Germany))
[45-03]Bayesian optimization for extreme high-speed laser material deposition
*Max Gero Zimmermann1, Johanna Menn2, Christopher Ullmann1, Viktor Glushych1, Thomas Schopphoven1, Wilhelm Meiners1, Sebastian Trimpe2, Carlo Holly3,1 (1. Fraunhofer Institut for Laser Technology ILT (Germany), 2. RWTH Aachen University - Institute for Data Science in Mechanical Engineering (Germany), 3. RWTH Aachen University TOS - Chair for Technology of Optical Systems TOS (Germany))
[45-04]High temperature surface tension measurement using laser-pulse in-duced surface waves
*Joerg Volpp1, Felix Zaiß2, Christian Hagenlocher2 (1. University West (Sweden), 2. IFSW, University Stuttgart (Germany))
[45-05]In-situ optical coherence tomography for spatio-temporal analysis of melt pool crystallization in absorber-free laser transmission welding of polymers
*Frederik Maiwald1, Julian Schulze1, Michael Schmidt2, Stefan Hierl1 (1. OTH Regensburg (Germany), 2. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany))