Session Details

[2MS-10]【J】Intergenerational "Developmental Origins of Health and Disease"

Thu. Nov 28, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Thu. Nov 28, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Room 10(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 2F 201)
Organizer: Tomoko Kawai (National Center for Child Health and Development), Takahiro Nemoto (Nippon Medical School)
Sponsored by: The Japan Society of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
It has been fifteen years since the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) theory was proposed, which states that an adverse environment in early development influences future health and disease risk. Epidemiological and animal studies have shown that adverse environments affect not only the individuals exposed to them, but also their offspring.This symposium will bring together researchers from a variety of fields to discuss mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of environmental disease risk.

[2MS-10-01]Transgenerational effects of methyl modulator intervention on thrifty phenotype caused by prenatal undernutrition

○Takahiro Nemoto1 (1. Nippon Medical School)

[2MS-10-02]Relationship between age-related changes in murine sperm microRNA profiles and expression levels of autism spectrum disorder-related genes in sperm

○Kazusa Miyahara1, Misako Tatehana1, Takako Kikkawa1, Noriko Osumi1 (1. Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)

[2MS-10-03]Involvement of glucose intolerance and altered gut microbiota composition in the increase of liver tumors in the next generation by gestational inorganic arsenic exposure

○Takehiro Suzuki1, Kazuyuki Okamura1, Keiko Nohara1 (1. National Institute for Environmental Studies)

[2MS-10-04]Impact of the Perinatal Environment on the Next Generation

○Tomoko Kawai1, Kohei Kashima2, Yoshifumi Kasuga3, Kenichiro Hata4 (1. NCCHD, 2. Int. Health and Welfare Univ., 3. Keio Univ., 4. Gunma Univ.)