The 41st Meeting of the Society of Population Ecology


Deadlines for Applications

Call for Public Symposia:

April 30th (Wednesday)

Please prepare a proposal outlining the symposium’s contents and a tentative list of speakers (1 to 2 A4 pages). The main organizer must be a member of the Society of Population Ecology (The co-organizers and speakers can be non-members). Submit the proposal as an attachment to the following email address.

In the subject line of your email, please include "Proposal for a Public Symposium." The organizing committee will send a confirmation email upon receipt of the proposal. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please follow up.

If your symposium includes international researchers and you are seeking financial support, you may apply for the "Sponsorship for Mini-Symposia and Research Meetings" offered by the Society of Population Ecology (only for members of the society; application deadline is the end of February). Please consider this option if applicable.

Accepted symposium proposals are encouraged to organize a special issue in Population Ecology, the official journal of the Society of Population Ecology. If funding for overseas speakers is provided by the society, editing a special issue for the journal will be required. Please be aware of this requirement.

Registration for participation: 

From May 1st (early registration discount available till June 30th, tentative).

Application for Poster Presentations:

From May 1st to June 30th, 2025 (tentative).

The presenter must be a member of the Society of Population Ecology.

Registration for Abstracts:

From May 1st to June 30th, 2025 (tentative).

Application for Nursery

From May 1st to June 30th, 2025 (tentative).

The organizing committee is considering providing a nursery room or facilitating a day nursery service if requested by participants. Partial funding for this service is available.  If you are interested in this service, please contact us within the given period.