Asia-Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology

Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts (Nov 1, 2024 - Dec 31. 2024January 31 (oral) and February 14(poster))



General Rules for Abstract Submission:
  1. Please submit abstracts using the submission form by clicking the button below.
  2. The presentation type is oral or poster. The final decision of the presentation type will be at the discretion of the conference secretariat.
  3. A formatted abstract will be automatically generated after entering the required information such as title, author, affiliation, and main text.
  4. The number of co-authors is limited to 5 persons per abstract.
  5. The title of the presentation should be within 100 characters.
  6. Word limitation for abstract should be within 3000 characters.
  7. Abstracts must be written in English.
  8. All abstract submissions must be accepted exclusively through online registration via this website.
  9. We accept an unlimited number of presentations per registered participant; however, second and subsequent submissions may be designated as poster presentations. 
Abstract Submission

The first step to follow before submitting an abstract online is to login, by creating your own username and password required by the Confit system. The same login details are to be used for all congress online forms (Abstract Submission & Registration). For security reasons, we are unable to respond to any inquiries regarding login IDs or passwords. If you have forgotten your password, please use the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page to reset it.



Schedule of Announcement after Submission

Notification of program number and presentation date will be sent by March 1st, 2025.

Presentation guidelines will be sent by March 31st, 2025.


Secretariat of A-PRCR2025