Session Details

[Tu4b-O43]Sub area 4-3: III-V High-efficiency Multijunction Devices

Tue. Nov 12, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Tue. Nov 12, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
Convention Hall B(3F)
Session Chair(s):Ryuji Oshima, Robin Lang (Fh-ISE)

[Tu4b-O43-01 (Invited)](Tentative) Lowering the cost of III-V Photovoltaics

*John Simon1 (1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (United States of America))

[Tu4b-O43-02]Flexible GaInP/GaAs/InGaAs superlattice triple-junction solar cells reach over 34% (AM0) conversion efficiency

*Zhitao Chen1, Junhua Long1, Qiangjian Sun1, Shulong Lu1 (1. Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (China))

[Tu4b-O43-03]Development of wafer-bonded III-V concentrator solar cells with six junctions

*Robin Lang1, Malte Klitzke1, Patrick Schygulla1, Gerald Siefer1, David Lackner1, Frank Dimroth1, Oliver Höhn1,2 (1. Fraunhofer ISE (Germany), 2. University of Freiburg (Germany))

[Tu4b-O43-04]Efficiency enhancement of InGaP/GaAs/InxGa1-xAs//InyGa1-yAs four-junction solar cells by improving current matching

*Takashi Shimasaki1, Kentaroh Watanabe2, Hassanet Sodabanlu2, Yoshiaki Nakano1, Masakazu Sugiyama1,2 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo (Japan))

[Tu4b-O43-05]III-V p-on-n multi-junction solar cells via surface activated bonding technique

*Hassanet Sodabanlu1, Depu Ma2, Kentaroh Watanabe1, Yoshiaki Nakano2, Masakazu Sugiyama1,2 (1. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo (Japan))