GISA 2024


  • 講演論文集用原稿は,最新のテンプレートファイルを必ずご使用ください.また,2024年度大会より,上限を4ページとしますので,ご注意ください.詳しくは「研究発表 募集」のページをご覧ください.

    Please use the latest template file for the proceedings. Starting from the 2024 conference, the maximum number of pages is 4. For details, please refer to the "Call for Papers" page.



    If you are planning to develop the content of your manuscript for the proceedings and submit it to a domestic or international peer-reviewed journal, please check the journal's terms and conditions in advance. (There have been reports of cases where duplicate submissions have been suspected due to similar titles or content.)

    2024年6月20日 18:33


  • お知らせはありません。