
[I2]Realization and challenges of building a sustainable society through utilization of iron and steel slag

2024年9月18日(水) 13:00 〜 17:30
会場5(3階 共C302)
H. Matsuura [The Univ. of Tokyo], J. Nakano [MatterGreen], Y. Uchida [Nippon Inst. of Tech.], Y. Pontikes [KU Leuven]

[Int.-7]Recent production, application and research activities for iron and steel slag in Japan

Y. Uchida (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)

[Int.-8]Hot-stage slag engineering and downstream processing to deliver market-ready, sustainable products

Y. Pontikes, T. Hertel, M. Giels, R. E. Murillo Alarcón, G. Beersaerts (KU Leuven)

[Int.-9]Research and application of high-grade asphalt pavement materials prepared from steel slag

Y. Xiao, Y. Li (Central Research Institute of China Baowu Iron and Steel Group)

[Int.-10]High-temperature carbonation of steelmaking slag

M. Hiyoshi, H. Sugihara, N. Shigaki, J. Ishii, A. Murao (JFE)

[Int.-11]Technology for production of calcium carbonate particles from steelmaking slag using glycerol solution for carbon dioxide fixation

T. Sasaki1, K. Sakai1, T. Toyama2 (1.Kobe Steel, 2.Nihon Univ.)

[Int.-12]Contribution to building a sustainable society and carbon neutral in agriculture and marine through slag utilization

H. Pak, M. Kim, J. Kim, C. Lee (POSCO)

[Int.-13]The availability of valuable elements in various industrial slag/ash and their extraction/removal in support for the clean energy transition

J. Nakano (MatterGreen)

[Int.-14]Dissolution behavior of steelmaking slag fertilizer in soil

S. Koizumi1, T. Iwama2, M. Obara2, S. Ueda2 (1.Nippon Steel, 2.Tohoku Univ.)

[Int.-15]Factors affecting microscopic basicity of silicate slags from the perspective of O1s binding energy -Toward strength prediction of blast furnace cement

M. Tsuji, T. Watanabe, M. Susa, M. Hayashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

[Int.-16]The utilization of metallurgical slag as ceramic materials

Y. Kim1, J. Lee2, S. Kim2, Y. Kang3 (1.Inha Univ., 2.Korea Univ., 3.Donga Univ.)