
[16p-A21-14]Revisiting the Growth Temperature Dependence of n-AlGaN Buffer Layer and Quantum-Well in (228-230 nm)-Band far-UVC LEDs

〇Muhammad Ajmal Khan1, Mitsuhiro Muta2, Kohei Fujimoto1,3, Yuya Nagata1,3, Yukio Kashima1, Eriko Matsuura1, Sachie Fujikawa3, Hiroyuki Yaguchi3, Yasushi Iwaisako2, Hideki Hirayama1 (1.RIKEN, 2.Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd. Japan, 3.Saitama University)


far-UVC LED、MOCVD、n-AlGaN Buffer and Quantum-Well

Aluminum gallium nitride-based (228-230 nm)-band far-ultraviolet-C (far-UVC) light sources can safely be used as a germicidal application in both manned as well as in unmanned environments including space station against these MROs including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Influenza, Salmonella, E. Coli, bedbugs, mold and other germs. Previously, the far-UVC LED with emission power of 1.8 mW and the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 0.32% at peak wavelength of 228 nm on wafer was reported, however the n-AlGaN buffer layer (BL) was not optimized in the context of relaxation ratio. Because the low relaxation ratio underneath the multi quantium-well (MQWs) is critical for the suppression of transvers magnetic (TM)-mode as well as for promoting the transverse electric (TE)-mode emission (along c-axis). Previously, the influence of growth temperature on MQWs in the context of I-V characteristic was not studied. Herein, the growth temperature dependent relaxation ratio and variation of Al-composition in the n-AlGaN BL and electrical properties of (228 - 230 nm)-band far-UVC LED grown on c-Sapphire are investigated. As a result the relaxation ratio in the n-AlGaN BL was successfully reduced from 41.6% to 20%, and the Al-composition was also varied from 85% to 87%. Quite high electron concentration as well as low resistivity in n-AlGaN electron injection layer (EIL) was realized. As a result, the light power and EQE were significantly improved to 2.4 mW and 0.40% under pulse-operation and to 1.75 mW and 0.35% under CW-operation (RT) at emission wavelength of 230 nm on bar-wafer. The operating voltage was also reduced from 28 V to 24 V in 230 nm far-UVC LED. We also found that the growth of n-AlGaN BL at 1060-1180℃ is advantageous in term of electrical properties but not good option for the optical light polarization (TE-mode and TM-mode).

