
[17p-B6-2]Photoreaction and Photo-densification Process of PHPS under High-power VUV

〇Luyang Song1, He Sun1, Yoshiyuki Suzuri1 (1.Yamagata Univ.)


perhydropolysilazane (PHPS)、photoreaction、thin film encapsulation

OLEDs, PePVs, and OPVs degrade when exposed to oxygen and water vapor, but encapsulation with barrier materials can protect these devices. Our group developed a high-performance barrier film using PHPS and VUV light under nitrogen, forming a dense SiNx layer with excellent WVTR. However, the photoreaction and photo-densification process of PHPS under high-power VUV light is not fully understood. In this study, we examined the effect of VUV light intensity on PHPS photo-densification using lamps at 103, 229, and 309 mW/cm². Higher lamp power reduced irradiation time and optimized the densification process. Efficient single-photon reactions involved N-H and Si-H bond cleavage, with significant effects observed above 290 mW/cm². We compared the refractive index of the top 30 nm layer, finding that higher lamp power enhances Si-N bond cleavage, altering film dynamics and reducing free volume. High-intensity light promotes rapid cross-linking and network reconstruction, which are crucial for achieving ultra-high barrier properties.

