
[18a-A35-2]Development of a Stacking Method for Janus TMDs Toward the Formation of Janus TMD Superlattices

〇Tianyishan Sun1,2, Weizi Lu1,2, Soma Aoki1,2, Dingkun Bi1,2, Hiroto Ogura1,2, Toshiaki Kato1,2 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Tohoku Univ., 2.AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)


Janus TMDs、Superlattice

We developed a method for stacking Janus TMDs. It was found that when stacking Janus TMDs using conventional polymer transfer methods, the Janus TMDs tended to scroll during the transfer process. To counter this, we first stacked a regular TMD onto the surface of the Janus TMD, followed by another Janusization process. This resulted in a bilayer Janus TMD structure. By extending this method, it is anticipated that superlattice formation of Janus TMDs can be achieved.

