
[18a-A35-1~7]CS.6 4.5 Nanocarbon and 2D Materials、17 ナノカーボン・二次元材料のコードシェア

2024年9月18日(水) 10:00 〜 12:00
A35 (朱鷺メッセ3F)
島崎 佑也(理研)

[18a-A35-1]Self-assembly of dopant molecules on MoS2 monolayer for degeneracy/heavily doping

〇(PC)Puneet Jain1, Shotaro Yotsuya1, Kosuke Nagashio1, Daisuke Kiriya1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)

[18a-A35-2]Development of a Stacking Method for Janus TMDs Toward the Formation of Janus TMD Superlattices

〇Tianyishan Sun1,2, Weizi Lu1,2, Soma Aoki1,2, Dingkun Bi1,2, Hiroto Ogura1,2, Toshiaki Kato1,2 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Tohoku Univ., 2.AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)

[18a-A35-3]Relationship between the surface roughness of SiO2/Si sub. and the PVD-WS2 film

〇Jaehyo Jang1, Naoki Matsunaga1, Soma Ito1, Hitoshi Wakabayashi1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

[18a-A35-4]Fabrication and Characterization of Germanium Monosulfide Field-Effect Transistors

〇Qinqiang Zhang1, Ryo Matsumura1, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi1, Naoki Fukata1 (1.MANA-NIMS)

[18a-A35-5]Energetics and electronic structures of Nb-doped WSSe layers

〇YANLIN GAO1, SUSUMU OKADA1 (1.University of Tsukuba)

[18a-A35-6]Engineering MoSe2 Defects via SHI Irradiation for Improved NH3 Gas Sensing: A DFT Study

〇(DC)Aditya Kushwaha1, Shalini Vardhan1, Neeraj Goel1 (1.Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Dwarka, Sector - 3, Delhi - 110078, India)

[18a-A35-7]Pt Nanocluster Decoration on WSe2 for Enhanced NO2 Sensing: A DFT Investigation

Neetu Raj Bharti1, 〇(DC)Aditya Kushwaha1, Neeraj Goel1 (1.Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Dwarka, Sector - 3, Delhi - 110078, India)