
[19p-P05-32]Study the deposition mechanism for ZnO thin films using a novel deposition method, “Electrostatic Spray Deposition” and property measurement

〇(D)Fysol Ibna1,2, Mutsumi Sugiyama1,3 (1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, 2.University of Dhaka, Faculty of Science, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh, 3.Research Institrute, RIST, Tokyo University of Scienece)


Electrostatic spray deposition (ESD)、Thin film、ZnO

This investigation revealed the ZnO (Eg =3.37 eV) growth mechanism for solution-dependent electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) [1]. For making the ESD spray solutions, zinc chloride (ZnCl2) was used with ethanol (CH3CH2OH) for preparing the six different 0.1 M precursor solutions by changing the Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and water (H2O) ratio. Numerous microstructure parameters were also studied. by ESD during ZnO thin film formation.

