
[20a-A31-2]Quasi-one-dimensional moiré in large-angle twisted bilayer WTe2

〇Xiaohan Yang1, Limi Chen2, Yijin Zhang1, Kohei Aso2, Wataru Yamamori3, Rai Moriya1, Kenji Watanabe4, Takashi Taniguchi4, Takao Sasagawa3, Yukiko Yamada-Takamura2, Oshima Yoshifumi2, Tomoki Machida1 (1.IIS Univ. Tokyo, 2.JAIST, 3.Tokyo Tech., 4.NIMS)


twisted bilayer WTe2、moire、transmission electron microscope

Moiré effects in two-dimensional twisted bilayer systems are attracting great interests owing to the emergence of novel electronic structures and physical properties. Studies of moiré effects are, so far, mostly conducted at small twist angles, because the increase of twist angle quickly suppresses the size of moiré pattern caused by lattice. Here, we report an experimental discovery of quasi-one-dimensional (1D) moiré patterns in twisted bilayer tungsten ditelluride (tB-WTe2) with large twist angles of 58° and 62°. Interestingly, the two quasi-1D moiré patterns at 58° and 62° are orthogonal to each other. We further elucidated the transformation between two quasi-1D moiré patterns through an intermediate 2D moiré pattern at 60°. Our results propose tB-WTe2 as a novel platform for studying one-dimensional physics.

