[1F-11]【E】動物分子生物学の進展: 基礎科学と産業応用
2024年11月27日(水) 19:15 〜 20:30
第11会場(福岡国際会議場 2F 202)
オーガナイザー:鏡味 裕(信州大学)、 Guojun Sheng( 熊本大学)
Advances in molecular biology are essential for elucidating higher-order life phenomena in animals. The processes from gamete fertilization to embryonic development and individual growth are controlled by gene expression. The elucidation of these molecular mechanisms is expected to make significant contributions to industries such as regenerative medicine, agriculture, energy. This forum will invite leading researchers in the relevant academic fields to discuss the basics of molecular biology and prospects for industrial applications from a wide point of view.