
[1AS-08]【E】Microbial multicellularity: biofilms, swarms, developmental and functional differentiation in microbial collectives

2024年11月27日(水) 9:00 〜 11:15
第8会場(福岡国際会議場 4F 414)
オーガナイザー:Martin Robert(京都大学)、納庄 一樹(東京大学)
Living organisms do not live in isolation. Even unicellular microorganisms form assemblies displaying emergent properties. The study of microbial multicellularity in bacteria, yeast, or amoeba, among others, is undergoing a renaissance and recent findings suggest remarkable and unsuspected complexity in large collectives of microbial cells such as biofilms. In this symposium we would like to showcase the latest research advances aiming to decipher this complexity by integrating the molecular, cellular, and biophysical levels.


[1AS-08-01]Exploring spatiotemporal phenotypic heterogeneity in microbial communities

○Hannah Jeckel1,2,3,6, Kazuki Nosho2, Konstantin Neuhaus2,3, Alasdair D Hastewell4, Dominic J Skinner5, Dibya Saha2, Niklas Netter2, Nicole Paczia6, Joern Dunkel4, Knut Drescher2 (1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2. Biozentrum Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 3. Philipps-University Marburg, Germany, 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 5. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, 6. Max-Planck Insitute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany)


○大村 拓也1、Skinner Dominic J.2,3、Neuhaus Konstantin1,4、Choi Gary P. T.5、Dunkel Jörn2、Drescher Knut1 (1. バーゼル大・バイオセンター、2. マサチューセッツ工科大・数学、3. ノースウェスタン大・定量生物センター、4. マールブルグ大・物理、5. 香港中文大・数学)


○横山 文秋1 (1. 東京大学・院理・物理)

[1AS-08-04]Oil-eating bacteria are more efficient lying down

○Andrew S. Utada1 (1. University of Tsukuba)


○加藤 節1 (1. 広島大学)


○栗田 岳歩1、上坂 一馬2、五島 剛太1 (1. 名古屋大学大学院理学研究科、2. 名古屋大学遺伝子実験施設)

[1AS-08-07(1P-265)]The spatiotemporal proteome of cellulose-producing E. coli K-12 biofilms growing on agar

○Martin Robert1, Yukiko Fujino1,2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Itochu Techno-Solutions)

[1AS-08-08]Emergent metabolic dynamics in microbial communities

○Arthur Prindle1 (1. Northwestern University)
