

2024年11月27日(水) 9:00 〜 11:15
第9会場(福岡国際会議場 3F メインホール)
オーガナイザー:薮田 ひかる(広島大学)、鈴木 志野(JAXA 宇宙科学研究所/理化学研究所)
Our scientific understanding on life on Earth has been remarkably improved since the beginning of molecular biology in 1950s. On the other hand, we do not know what "Universal Life" is, as Earth-life is the only life we know of, for now. In order to determine the true definition of life, it is necessary to unveil the origin and evolution of life in space and to investigate habitability of planets other than Earth. This session will address the diversity of possible building blocks of life, environments, and biological functions on Earth and planets by integration of the latest researches in geochemistry, microbiology, bioscience, and space explorations.

[1AS-09-01][イントロダクション] 宇宙における生命:ありうる多様な物質、環境、機能

○薮田 ひかる1 (1. 広島大学)


○橘 省吾1 (1. 東京大学・宇宙惑星科学機構)


○北台 紀夫1 (1. 海洋研究開発機構)

[1AS-09-04]Molecular Self-Domestication and the Rise of Well-Folded Domains

○Liam M Longo1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[1AS-09-05]The search for building blocks of life on Mars and Enceladus

○Jennifer L Eigenbrode1 (1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)


○鈴木 志野1 (1. 理化学研究所)