2024年11月28日(木) 16:45 〜 19:00
第3会場(福岡国際会議場 4F 401+402+403)
オーガナイザー:Jeffrey Fawcett(理化学研究所)、佐々木 江理子(九州大学)
○山本 義治1,2 (1. 岐阜大学、2. 理研CSRS)
○中村 遥奈1、相原 光人2、二階堂 雅人2 (1. 総研大・RCIES、2. Science Tokyo・生命理工)
[2PS-03-04(2P-312)]Genome scrambling in the Tree of Life: when do synteny losses correlate with species boundaries?
○Charles Plessy1 (1. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST))
[2PS-03-05(2P-306)]A Genomic and Phylogenetic Analysis of Human Variant Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus Clonal Complex 398 in Taiwan
○Tsung-Hua Wu1,2,3, Wen-Sheng Yeh4, Mei-Hsiu Wan4, Yung-Chieh Wu4, Yu-Ping Fang5, Chun-Yi Lee3,5, Ying-Tsong Chen1,4,6 (1. Ph.D. Program in Medical Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2. Department of Pediatrics, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, 3. Department of Post Baccalaureate Medicine, College of Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 4. Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 5. Department of Pediatrics, Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, 6. Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan)
[2PS-03-06]High-resolution genetic history revealed using joint genealogies of ancient and modern humans
○Leo Speidel1,2,3 (1. Riken, 2. University College London, 3. Francis Crick Institute)
[2PS-03-07]Adaptive evolution during the domestication and dispersal process of common buckwheat
○Jeffrey A Fawcett1 (1. RIKEN)
[2PS-03-08]The origin, expansion, and genetics of adzuki bean domestication
Chih-Cheng Chien1, Ken Naito2, ○Cheng-Ruei Lee1 (1. National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan)