Presentation Information
[1A06]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(1)Development of Non-destructive Measurement Method for Fuel Debris
*Shin Takasaki1, Takahiro Tanaka1, Keisuke Shimizu1, Toyonobu Nabemoto1, Wataru Kawamura1, Masanori Hatori1, Itaru Suzuki1, keisuke okumura2, yosuke toh2, taketeru nagatani2 (1. Tousou Mirai Technology, 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,fuel debris,Nondestructive measurement,Active Neutron Method,passive neutron method,muon scattering method,X-ray CT method,passive gamma radiation method
In the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, fuel debris (derived from nuclear fuel) generated by the accident is considered to be removed and safely storedin a container and stored. The material to be removed from inside the reactor containment vessel includes not only fuel debris, but also structures such as gratings and support pillars to which nuclear fuel melt is attached. Currently, no technology has been established to nondestructively measure and estimate the amount of nuclear fuel material contained in fuel debris and melts, and this technology may be used to determine the properties of the measurement target and to sort the fuel debris, depending on the accuracy of the estimation. Therefore, simulation analysis, elemental tests, and development of estimation algorithms for active and passive neutron, muon scattering, X-ray CT, and passive gamma-ray methods are being conducted to evaluate their applicability to fuel debris.
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