Presentation Information

[1A09]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(4) Development of Muon Scattering Method for Fuel Debris

*naoto Kume1, yuki nakai1, kyohei noguchi1, takuro fujimaki1, masaki yoda1, shin takasaki2, takahiro tanaka2, toyonobu nabemoto2 (1. TOSHIBA ENERGY SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS CORPORATION, 2. Tousou Mirai Technology Co. Ltd.)


Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,fuel debris,Nondestructive measurement,muon scattering method

A nondestructive measurement method has been developed to estimate the amount of uranium in fuel debris at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
The muon scattering method can estimate the amount of uranium in the measurement target by evaluating the scattering angle obtained from the muon trajectory before and after passing through the measurement target, using muon trajectory detectors installed above and below the measurement target.
In a simulation study, the trajectory of muons passing through materials simulating fuel debris was analyzed, and an algorithm for estimating the amount of uranium in fuel debris from the analysis results was examined. We will present the analysis results and the accuracy of the uranium amount estimation.


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