Presentation Information
[1B07]Enhancement of Resilience Potentials for Operation of Nuclear Power Plants(3) Extended Enhancement of Potential to Learn
*Hiroshi Sakuda1, Makoto Takahashi2, Masaharu Kitamura3 (1. INSS, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Research Institute for Technology Management Strategy)
Safety-II,Resilience engineering,Potential to learn,Weak signal,Framework to learn
Efforts to improve safety have been accumulated in nuclear power plants, and both potential to respond and potential to monitor have reached a certain high level. In order to further improve them, it is desirable to implement systematic measures to enhance potential to learn. From this perspective, in the report (2) of this series (last fall's conference), we focused on the “weak signal” concept and proposed a method to learn from accident cases experienced not only in the nuclear field but also in other industrial fields. Subsequently, we reviewed and extended the “weak signal” concept and introduced a strategy to apply it to nuclear power plants by generalizing experiences in other industries. In addition to the conventional method of learning from failures and the method of learning from successes from the standpoint of Safety-II, we have also introduced the method of “learning from all operational experiences” from a more flexible perspective. This method of generalization of experience and expansion of learning target events was applied to trouble cases experienced in Japan, and its effectiveness was confirmed.
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