Presentation Information
[1B08]Enhancement of Resilience Potentials for Operation of Nuclear Power Plants(4) Enhancement of Potential to Anticipate
*Masaharu Kitamura1, Makoto Takahashi3, Hiroshi Sakuda2 (1. Research Institute for Technology Management Strategy, 2. Institute of Nuclear Safety Systems, 3. Tohoku University)
Safety-Ⅱ,Resilience Engineering,Potential to Anticipate,Weak Signals,Cognitive Biases
The study examined measures to enhance the potential to anticipate, which plays an important role in improving the resilience and safety of nuclear power plants. The potential to anticipate is a difficult challenge for which many organizations have not found effective measures. In this series, in the reports (2) from last fall meeting and (3) from this year's fall meeting, we proposed a method to learn from accident cases experienced in other industrial sectors, focusing on the “weak signal” concept. We have found that the generalization of experience from other industries and its application to nuclear power plants is effective in ensuring the diversity of viewpoints necessary to increase the effectiveness of predictive activities, and in avoiding cognitive bias. This approach of generalizing experience and expanding the scope of learning events can also be used for anticipation, and we believe it is a useful suggestion for strengthening potential to anticipate, which is considered to be a difficult issue in organizations, and for enhancing resilience potential as a result.
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