Presentation Information
[1G04]Development of a test plant for integrated nuclear and renewable energy systems(4) Development of a high-speed communication device
*Keita Okamoto1, Ryosuke Kakuya2, Yasutomi Morimoto1, Naoaki Akasaka3, Etsuyo Makuuchi3, Xing L. Yan3 (1. JGC, 2. JANUS, 3. JAEA)
Advanced reactor,Thermal energy storage,Digital twin,IoT,Renewable energy
In the concept of a new type of reactor system that includes heat storage and utilization facilities and harmonizes with renewable energy, safety evaluation technology for abnormal conditions is being developed. In this system, it is necessary to optimize power generation, heat storage, etc. and operate a nuclear power plant in response to changes in power demand and supply by variable renewable energy with ensuring safety of the nuclear power plant. Therefore, a "high-speed communication device (IoT)", which communicates between facilities and optimizes electric power supply and demand economically, is being developed. This presentation describes the overview of the high-speed communication device (IoT), results of optimization evaluations and technical issues.
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