Presentation Information

[1I08]Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods for multiple tanks and multiple events at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant(4) Study of methods for assessment the risk importance with the effects of radiation exposure

*Masahiro Yamamoto1,4, Kazumi Takebe1, Takashi Kodama1, Futoshi Tanaka2, Asei Kawasaki3, Hidetaka Nagata2, Isao Hongo2, Makoto Takahashi4 (1. JNFL, 2. MHI, 3. MHI NSE, 4. Tohoku Univ.)


PRA,Multiple units,Multiple events,Reprocessing Plant,Risk importance

In order to identify vulnerable points of equipments and operations related to severe accidents by utilizing risk assessment, we are developing a method that can accurately evaluate the frequency of simultaneous occurrence of multiple tanks and multiple events.
This paper reports the results of the study on the evaluation method of risk importance that can be considered accident frequency and exposure effects.


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