Session Details

[1I01-08]PRA Method 1

Wed. Sep 11, 2024 2:45 PM - 4:50 PM JST
Wed. Sep 11, 2024 5:45 AM - 7:50 AM UTC
Room I(Recture RoomsB 1F B103)
Chair:Yasuki Ohtori(TCU)

[1I01]Proposal of evaluation method and its calculation example for site specific missile impact probability

*Takahiro Murakami1, Kota Fujiwara1, Yasuo Hattori1, Yuzuru Eguchi1 (1. CRIEPI)

[1I02]Preliminary result of tornado wind-speed hazard curve with logic tree considering the uncertainty of tornado counts

*Kota Fujiwara1, Daisuke Nohara1, Yasuo Hattori1, Sho Kawazoe1, Yuzuru Eguchi1, Hiromaru Hirakuchi1 (1. CRIEPI)

[1I03]Omitting effect of switching operation between core cooling and heat removal

*Ryotaro Sato1 (1. TEPSYS)

[1I04]Development of probabilistic risk assessment method considering multi-hazardsPart 5: Proposal on the classification and modeling methods of multi-hazards

*Byunghyun Choi1, Hideaki Tsutsumi2, Akemi Nishida1, Tsuyoshi Takada1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Total Support System Corporation)

[1I05]Development of probabilistic risk assessment method considering multi-hazardsPart 6: Impact assessment of response correlation for multiple equipment on seismic PRA

*Akemi Nishida1, Byunghyun Choi1, Kotaro Kubo1, Kiyotaka Takito1, Ken Muramatsu1, Tsuyoshi Takada1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

[1I06]Development of probabilistic risk assessment method considering multi-hazardsPart 7: Preliminary analysis of seismic and tsunami combined hazard PRA

*Kotaro Kubo1, Ken Muramatsu1, Kiyotaka Takito1, Byunghyun Choi1, Akemi Nishida1, Tsuyoshi Takada1 (1. JAEA)

[1I07]Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods for multiple tanks and multiple events at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant(3) study of the method to assess reprocessing plant risk (case study to over three tanks)

*Kazumi Takebe1, Masahiro Yamamoto1,4, Takashi Kodama1, Futoshi Tanaka2, Asei Kawasaki3, Hidetaka Nagata2, Isao Hongo2, Makoto Takahashi4 (1. JNFL, 2. MHI, 3. MHI NSE, 4. Tohoku Univ.)

[1I08]Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods for multiple tanks and multiple events at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant(4) Study of methods for assessment the risk importance with the effects of radiation exposure

*Masahiro Yamamoto1,4, Kazumi Takebe1, Takashi Kodama1, Futoshi Tanaka2, Asei Kawasaki3, Hidetaka Nagata2, Isao Hongo2, Makoto Takahashi4 (1. JNFL, 2. MHI, 3. MHI NSE, 4. Tohoku Univ.)

Time reserved for Chair