Presentation Information
[1K07]Study on estimation of radioactivity concentration of biological shielding at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(4) Uncertainty Factors and Sensitivity Analysis
*Tsutomu Okamoto2, Yoshikazu Koma1, Takashi Okada1, Youko Takahatake1, Tsutomu Ishigami2, Takeshi Sugita2, Masaya Seki2, Hiroki Nemoto2 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Nippon Advanced Information Service)
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,radioactive waste treatment,activation calculation,sensitivity analysis
An evaluation of uncertainties in the calculated radioactivity concentrations of activation products is required.
In order to evaluate the uncertainties, factors contributing to the uncertainties were extracted from past cases, and the uncertainties and sensitivities of these factors on the calculation results were calculated using the calculation code and the results were discussed.
In order to evaluate the uncertainties, factors contributing to the uncertainties were extracted from past cases, and the uncertainties and sensitivities of these factors on the calculation results were calculated using the calculation code and the results were discussed.
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