Presentation Information

[1L05]Study of recovery waste from High Active Solid Waste Storage (HASWS) at Tokai Reprocessing Plant(4) Combination test of ROV and lifter (grab type) (Hull can)

*Yuito Tameta1, Kyohei Sano1, Tadashi Akuzawa1, Kazuki Akiyama1 (1. JAEA)


Tokai Reprocessing Plant,Decommissioning,ROV,Lifter,Remote retrieval

For the decommissioning of HASWS at TRP, we are considering using a ROV and a lifter to retrieve waste stored in the wet cell. We are considering using a lifter (grab type) to retrieve hull cans that are difficult to move with the ROV and the lifter (hook type), and conducted a mock-up test to confirm the feasibility of moving hull cans by the ROV and the lifter (grab type). Through the test, we confirmed that the hull cans placed in various positions in the mock-up facility could be moved by the ROV and the lifter (grab type). We are also conducting further studies on grabs suitable for gripping hull cans for safer and more reliable retrieval of the hull cans.


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