Presentation Information
[1L07]Study of recovery waste from High Active Solid Waste Storage (HASWS) at Tokai Reprocessing Plant(6) Comprehensive test using ROV and lifter
*Kyohei SANO1, Yuito Tameta1, Tadashi Akuzawa1, Kazuki Akiyama1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Tokai Reprocessing Plant,Decommissioning,ROV,Lifter,Remote recovery
JAEA are considering using a ROV and lifters to recovery waste stored in the HASWS wet cell at the TRP. To confirm the feasibility of the recovery method using a ROV, we conducted tests in an environment simulating the storage state. The test results confirmed that tasks required for the waste recovery method using a ROV can be performed for waste in simulating the real environment. In addition, we confirmed that in a dark environment, it is difficult to grasp the position of the cables from the camera inside the cell, so it is necessary to improve the working environment, such as installing a new light source at the penetration.
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