Presentation Information
[1L09]Importance of Generativity for the Decommissioning Knowledge ManagementFocus Group on Plant Operating Knowledge
*Yasuyoshi Taruta1, Shigeto Kobayashi2, Takashi Hashimoto3, Koichi Tomoda1 (1. JAEA, 2. SCU, 3. JAIST)
decommissioning,decommisioning knowledge management,generativity,knowledge management,forcus group
This study focuses on the active mentality towards the transfer of knowledge etc. from the perspective of decommissioning knowledge management for decommissioning over a long period of time.
In particular, a survey has been conducted on generativity, the ability to create, nurture and pass on new things to the next generation.
In the previous survey, additional interviews were conducted with experienced staff in response to the results of this survey.
This time, an additional survey was conducted on the impact of driving experience on knowledge and behaviour, and the results are reported here.
In particular, a survey has been conducted on generativity, the ability to create, nurture and pass on new things to the next generation.
In the previous survey, additional interviews were conducted with experienced staff in response to the results of this survey.
This time, an additional survey was conducted on the impact of driving experience on knowledge and behaviour, and the results are reported here.
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