Session Details

[1L08-10]General Remarks on Decommissioning

Wed. Sep 11, 2024 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM JST
Wed. Sep 11, 2024 5:45 AM - 6:35 AM UTC
Room L(Recture RoomsB 2F B201)
Chair:Shohei Sawada(KAJIMA)

[1L08]Research on Human Resources Development for Decommissioning to Realize Safe and Smooth Decommissioning

*Masaki Onodera1, Shintaro Yagi1, Hironori Kato1, Junji Eto1, Masaru Hirata2, Renaud Klein2 (1. MRI, 2. Onet Technologies)

[1L09]Importance of Generativity for the Decommissioning Knowledge ManagementFocus Group on Plant Operating Knowledge

*Yasuyoshi Taruta1, Shigeto Kobayashi2, Takashi Hashimoto3, Koichi Tomoda1 (1. JAEA, 2. SCU, 3. JAIST)

[1L10]A Study for the optimization of the decommissioning project of nuclear facilities(6) Radiation exposure assessment of dismantlement

*Yukihiro IGUCHI1, Daisuke KAWASAKI1, Satoshi YANAGIHARA1, Asei MINE1, Yuya KOUDA2, Koichi TOMODA2 (1. Univ. of Fukui, 2. JAEA)

Time reserved for Chair