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[1M04]Evaluation of KOH as a pH control agent of PWR primary system(1) Study of pH control method for K-Li environment by column adsorption test on ion exchange resin

*Genki MURAKAMI1, Yusuke NAKANO2, Wataru SUGINO2, Yosuke MUKAI1, Yuichi SHIMIZU1, Nobuo ISHIHARA1 (1. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., 2. The Japan Atomic Power Company)


PWR,water chemistry,KOH,LiOH,pH control,ion exchange resin,column adsorption test

LiOH enriched in 7Li isotope is added to primary cooling water of PWR. Due to the limited number of countries producing isotopically enriched LiOH and the high cost of procurement, KOH is studied as a potential alternative to enriched LiOH. If KOH is used in PWRs, cations in primary system will consist of K and Li (produced from neutron-irradiated B). In this study, we aim to estimate Li concentration under the current condition of cation exchange resin. For the evaluation of selection coefficients of Li and K, column adsorption tests were conducted. Change of the Li concentration was calculated using the experimental selection coefficients.


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