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[1M14]Development of alternative retrieval technology for PEM method(3) Technical feasibility of opening operation the PEM shell by wire saw
*Masahiro Kawakubo1, Mitsunobu Okihara2, Mitsuo Gohke2, Takanobu Sakamoto2, Hiroshi Nemoto1, Masato Kobayashi1 (1. RWMC, 2. Shimizu)
HLW,Geological disposal,Retrieval technology,Opening operation,Wire saw
Wire saws are a method of cutting objects by rotating a wire with diamond beads while applying a certain tension and can cut complex shapes and large cross sections. To consider the specific work procedures and equipment, information about cutting conditions and cutting capacity is required. In addition, when opening the PEM from the outside with a wire, the outer steel shell and the internal buffer material are also cut at the same time, so it is necessary to understand the behavior when cutting dissimilar materials such as steel and soil. In this paper, we report on a thick plate cutting test using a wire saw conducted to obtain these findings.
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