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[1N01]Li-7 Enrichment Technology Development by MCCCE Method(7) Current Status of Technology Development
*Makoto Hasegawa1, Mai Fukumori1, Tetsuya Odagiri1, Takashi Tsunada2, Kenya Tanaka2, Takayo Muramatsu3, Tadafumi Kishimoto4 (1. ATOX, 2. PESCO, 3. TEC, 4. Osaka Univ.)
The pH of PWR primary cooling water is adjusted using LiOH, to remove Li-6 and to enrich Li-7 thoroughly due to exposure management to radiation.Russia is only supplier of Li-7 in the world. However, this has a security issue from Ukraine problem too. And also, the mercury amalgamation method using mercury has an environmental challenge. To avoid such risks, a domestic supply system that takes these aspects into account is necessary.We focused on the multi-channel counter-current electrophoresis (MCCCE) method as a new enrichment technique taking the place of working methods. This method is enriched by combining the capillary and counter-current methods of electrophoresis. An overview of the development of Li-7 enrichment by this method is presented.
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