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[1N02]Li-7 Enrichment Technology Development by MCCCE Method(8) Current status of the Li-7 enrichment experiment by a planer type instrument

*Tadafumi Kishimoto1, Izumi Ogawa2, Kenji Matsuoka1, Takao Fukumoto1, Ryuta Hazama3, Makoto Hasegawa4, Mai Fukumori4, Tomohiko Kawakami5, Hironobu Shiraishi5, Takehiko Tsukahara6 (1. Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, 2. Fukui University, 3. Osaka Sangyo University, 4. ATOX CO., LTD, 5. KAKEN CO., LTD, 6. Tokyo Institute of Technology)


MCCCE method,Li-7,Enrichment

The MCCCE method combines electrophoresis with counter current to achieve effective isotope enrichment. We have been studying the enrichment of Li-7 using this method. The use of BN material, which is an insulator and a high thermal conductor, in the migration path substantially improves heat removal, leading to more effective enrichment. So far, a cylindrical migration path has been employed. We are developing a new type of instrument that employs a planar migration path. The characteristics of the MCCCE method are determined by the balance between migration speed and counter current speed, both of which are affected by temperature and ion species concentration. We will report on the current status of the development of the planar type instrument.


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