Presentation Information

[1O01]Impact of Uranium-silicide fuels on enhancement of fuel lifetime, nuclear safety and security in large scale LWRs

*Yusuke Mori1, Hiroshi Sagara1 (1. Tokyo Tech)


Accident Tolerant Fuel,Uranium-silicide Fuel,Neutronics and Thermal Analysis,Transient Analysis,Nuclear Security

Uranium silicide fuel, one of the accident tolerant fuels, is expected to increase fuel life time without increasing the uranium enrichment due to its high heavy metal density. It also is expected to enhance the safety of fuel rods due to its high thermal conductivity throughout burnup suppressing the peak fuel rod temperature. Furthermore, its high chemical stability makes it technically difficult to separate Pu from spent nuclear fuel to improve the nuclear non-proliferation features. In this study, the impact of uranium-silicide fuels has been investigated on enhancement of fuel lifetime, nuclear safety and security in large scale LWRs by evaluating the burnup reactivity performance, peak fuel rod temperatures during normal operation and LOCA, and nuclear security of LWRs.


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