Presentation Information

[1O10]Development of ultra-high temperature in-situ observation technique for nuclear fuel(5) Development of scanning transmission x-ray microscope and its application to the simulated fuel material Zr-Y2O3

*Goro Shibata1, Tsuyoshi Yaita1,2, Kenji Konashi3, Kenta Yoshida3, Yuji Arita4 (1. JAEA, 2. QST, 3. Tohoku Univ., 4. Univ. of Fukui)


nuclear fuel,scanning transmission x-ray microscope,chemical analysis,microspectroscopy,synchrotron radiation

We have developed a scanning transmission x-ray microscope system in order to analyze the chemical spiecies and the redox states in nuclear fuel materials after ultra-high temperature heating with a spatial resolution of several tens of nm. We will present the results of comissioning of the system and its application to the analysis of the oxygen chemical state in the simulated fuel material Zr-Y2O3.


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