Presentation Information
[2A05]Experimental Neutron Depth Distribution for Accelerator-Based BNCT
*Kosei Kamimura1, Kyosuke Harada1, Masashi Takada1, Satoshi Nakamura2, Kenji Shimada3, Masaru Nakamura3, Ryo Fujii3 (1. National Defense Academy, 2. National Cancer Center, 3. Cancer Intelligence Care Systems Inc.)
BNCT,gold activation method,aluminum
Neutron depth distribution is evaluated for quality assurances of neutron beam delivered to a patient in the boron neutron capture therapy. The neutron depth distributions were measured by combining aluminum neutron activation and radioactivity detection using an imaging plate. Two-dimensional thermal-neutron distributions in an acrylic block were measured, separately from gamma ray contribution to evaluate neutron thermalization in a body. Using our technique, alteration in depth distribution due to neutron target degradation can be evaluated, and also, opportunities of evaluating the neutron depth distribution can be increased for the QA of BNCT.
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