Presentation Information

[2A17]Real-time absolute measurement of BNCT neutron beam intensity

*Kyosuke Harada1, Kosei Kmimura1, Hirokuni Yamanishi2, Hiroshi Shiga2, Satoshi Nakamura3, Kenji Shimada4, Masaru Nakamura4, Ryo Fujii4, Masashi Takada1 (1. National Defense Academy of Japan, 2. Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kindai University, 3. National Cancer Center, 4. Cancer Intelligence Care System Inc.)


boron neutron capture therapy,silicon semiconductor detector,real-time measurement,neutron

A cancer cell is killed by secondary charged particles produced by the 10B(n,alpha) reaction in boron neutron capture therapy. Irradiation neutron intensities to patients are required using a real-time neutron detector instead of the neutron gold activation method. The real-time neutron detector comprised a lithium fluoride (LiF) deposition film and a silicon diode. The thermal neutron sensitivity is proportional to the amount of LiF deposition. At first, the neutron intensities were measured by inserting the detector into the Kindai University reactor core. Secondly, the BNCT neutron intensities were measured at the National Cancer Center. The experimental results indicate the BNCT neutron intensity is evaluated with a high accuracy using the real-time neutron detector without neutron calibrations.


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