Presentation Information

[2C03]Dose assessment for residents in the residential environment considering the transfer of substances between indoor and outdoor after nuclear accidents(6) Dose assessment for staying indoors considering indoor resuspended particles

*Naho Hayashi1, Azusa Nagakubo1, Jun Hirouchi1, Yasuto Matsui2, Minoru Yoneda2, Shogo Takahara1 (1. JAEA, 2. Kyoto Univ.)


Indoor evacuation,Dose assessment,Nuclear accident,Indoor resuspension

In the assessment of exposure in the living environment after the nuclear power plant accident, external and internal doses due to nuclides that have entered the room and drifted into the air or deposited on the floor surface are assessed in addition to external doses from outdoor deposited nuclides for the time spent indoors. However, in reality, in addition to these, the effects of re-suspension of nuclides deposited on floor surfaces also occur. In this study, we evaluate how the results of exposure dose assessment differ between the case where resuspension is not taken into account (conventional method) and the case where it is taken into account (new method), and to what extent the effects occur.
This work was supported by Research Project on the Health Effects of Radiation organized by Ministry of the Environment, Japan.


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