Presentation Information
[2C04]Development of analysis method for the releasing ALPS treated water(1)The Fe-55 analysis method for ALPS treated water
*Tatsuya Shoji1, Naoto Hatanaka2, Hirokuni Sasaki1, Masayoshi Goto1, Masato Ishibashi1, Hironobu Sato1, Junichi Suzuki1, Yuji Akimoto2 (1. TEPCO HD, 2. Tokyo PT)
Fe-55,Low energy photon spectrometry,Ion exchange chromatography
In order to carry out the release of ALPS treated water, there was a need for TEPCO HD to prepare an analysis method for Fe-55. Fe-55 is one of the 29 radionuclides for which TEPCO will confirm that the respective concentrations are below the regulated concentration before releasing the treated water. TEPCO Group previously neither had the analysis experiences nor the method to measure Fe-55. Therefore, an investigation on a separation method using anion-exchange chromatography. The low energy X-rays emitted by Fe-55 is measured with Germanium detectors. Using this method, TEPCO Group achieved a 20Bq/L for limit of detection which is 1/100th of the regulated concentration and obtained good measurements for spiked sample through verification tests with an external institution.
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