Presentation Information

[2C10]Investigation on distribution of radioactive substances in Fukushima(5) Elucidation and modeling of the effects of forest management on air dose rates

*Yusei Uehara1, Yuichi Onda1, Junko Takahashi1, Miyu Nakanishi1, CHENWEI CHIU1, Shiori Takamura1 (1. University of Tsukuba)


air dose rates,forest management,thinning,effective rainfall,soil moisture content

In this study, we examined how changes in rainfall on the soil surface during forest management by thinning affect air dose rates, based on the results of a previous study that found a relationship between soil water content and air dose rates. Two sites were selected for the study: Ihi, Iitate-mura, Fukushima Prefecture, and Fuyusumi, Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture. Both study sites are located 50 km and 40 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, respectively, and the initial deposition was 900 kbq/m2 and 720 kbq/m2. In April 2024, rain gauges, air dose rate meters, and soil moisture meters were installed and monitoring began. In addition, an equation for estimating air dose rate was developed using the actual rainfall obtained from soil moisture content and rainfall, and how well it agrees with the current monitoring situation was verified.


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