Presentation Information
[2C15]Investigation on distribution of radioactive substances in Fukushima(10) Effect of bedrock groundwater on the concentration of dissolved Cs-137 in surface water in the headwaters of forests in Namie Town
*Haruki Nakada1, Hiroaki Kato1,2, Yuma Niwano1, Yuichi Onda1,2 (1. Tsukuba University, 2. CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN RADIATION ISOTOPES, AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE)
radioactive material,Dissolved cesium137,Deep Groundwater,hydraulic grade
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the influence of shallow and deep groundwater runoff characteristics with diverse residence times on Cs-137 concentrations in surface water on forest slopes. To this end, detailed hydrological monitoring and measurement of Cs concentrations in groundwater and surface water will be carried out, with a particular focus on observations during runoff. Dissolved Cs concentrations during runoff show time-series variations and hysteresis in flow rates and hydrodynamic gradients, indicating the possibility of mixing of water from different sources.
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