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[2D14]Modification of STACY for the study of criticality characteristics of fuel debris(16) Pre-service inspections for the restart of STACY

*Kenta Hasegawa1, Yu Arakaki1, Takahiko Murakami1, Masato Sumiya1, Eiju Aizawa1, Masakazu Seki1, Junichi ishii1, Shouhei Araki1, Kazuhiko Izawa1, Satoshi Gunji1 (1. JAEA)


modified STACY,Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP,Critical Experiment,Fuel Debris,a series of pre-service inspections

In order to experimentally clarify the criticality characteristics of fuel debris at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the Static Experiment Critical Facility (STACY), which has been used for experiments on the criticality safety of solution fuel, was replaced with a general-purpose heterogeneous thermal core consisting of fuel rods and light water, and operation is scheduled to restart around August 2024 after 13 years and 9 months.
Since the first criticality on April 22, 2024, pre-service inspection necessary for the restart of STACY operation have been carried out in accordance with the new regulatory standards and the new inspection system. Among the pre-service inspections, this report describes the reactivity inspection, reactor shutdown margin inspection, and reactivity inspection of sample driver.


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