Presentation Information
[2D23]Solomon’s capability of random media criticality calculation for measurement data
*Taro Ueki1 (1. JAEA)
Solomon,random media,mass deviation,power spectrum,measurement data,criticality calculation,Monte Carlo
The Monte Carlo solver Solomon is a nuclear criticality code that has been under development at JAEA. Solomon has a special functionality for the criticality of a disordered system like fuel debris to evaluate the fluctuations of neutron effective multiplication factor (keff) due to uncertainties in the average composition and spatial distribution. However, this functionality lacked a method of representing macroscopic nuclear cross sections corresponding to measurement data. Therefore, in this presentation, we report a method for generating random spatial variation functions using arbitrary-shaped power spectra as input. We also report the keff fluctuations of the random media consisting of four materials together with the mass deviations of the constituent materials.
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