Presentation Information

[2E03]Study of the applicability of PAR installed in PCV for BWRs(3) Understanding the impact of degradation factors

*Motoshige Yagyu1, Akira Yamada1, Akira Tsuyuki1, Kouichi Muramatsu1, Mika Tahara1, Hiroko Abe1, Kazuya Yamada1, Hirofumi Okabe1, Hitoshi Kubo2, Yasunori Iwai3 (1. TOSHIBA ESS, 2. Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo, 3. QST)


Oxigen,Hydrogen,containment vessel,recombine reaction,catalyst

We are developing an in-PCV PAR for BWR that uses a catalyst to recombine and treat oxygen and hydrogen generated in the BWR containment vessel (PCV) during an accident. It was confirmed that the selected catalyst maintained its recombination reaction activity even when the total amount of iodine generated in the assumed accident environment was given.


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