Presentation Information
[2G13]Development of Failure Mitigation Technologies for Improving Resilience of Nuclear Structures(32) Effectiveness Evaluation of the Measures for Improving Resilience against Excessive Earthquake
*Kenichi Kurisaka1, Hiroyuki NISHINO1, Hidemasa YAMANO1 (1. JAEA)
measures for improving resilience,excessive earthquake,fragility evaluation,accident sequences,core damage frequency
In conventional seismic evaluation of reactor vessel (RV), buckling has been regarded as loss of function. This study considers that actual loss of function is caused by accumulation of fatigue damage after buckling, and this consideration in the evaluation is regarded as the measure for improving resilience of RV against excessive earthquake. Based on this, we evaluated the probability to lose the RV function (i.e., fragility) and core damage frequency in the excessive earthquake before and after improving resilience to show effectiveness of the measure.
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