Presentation Information

[2I06]Evaluation of Seismic Diversity of SSC system in PRAPart8 : A study on natural period and damping ratio of floor isolation considering seismic diversity

*Yoshifumi Katayama1, Yasuki Ohtori2, Hitoshi Muta2, Toshiaki Sakai3 (1. Chuden Engineering Consultants, 2. TCU, 3. CRIEPI)


seismic diversity,seismic PRA,strong seismic ground motion record,seismic response analysis,seismic isolation

The authors have studied the seismic risk reduction effect of a seismic diversity system consisting of seismic device and seismic isolation device. In a previous report, the relationship between the natural period of floor isolation and the risk reduction effect of the system was examined from the results of a nonlinear seismic response analysis of a nuclear reactor building using various strong seismic ground motion records observed in Japan. In this study, the natural period and damping ratio of floor isolation that meet the three conditions of device strength, allowable Displacement, and target risk were considered by considering the damping ratio in addition to the natural period.


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