Presentation Information

[2I08]Research on Seismic Correlation for PRAPart 6: Validation of Deductive Correlation Coefficient Estimation Method

*Yasuki Ohtori1, Hitoshi Muta1, Masato Nakajima2 (1. TCU, 2. CRIEPI)


Seismic correlation,Seismic PRA,deductive method,propagation path,Reed-McCann

Seismic correlations have an impact on the risk assessment of accident sequences in nuclear power plants. Estimation of equipment response correlations is an important task in seismic PRA. Traditionally, the results of numerous simulations have been obtained by statistical processing, but it is not efficient to perform numerous simulations to calculate correlation coefficients for each analysis. The authors (2017) proposed a method to estimate the correlation of responses in a deductive way, focusing on the propagation path of the earthquake motion. In this paper, the SSMRP and Ebisawa et al. are applied to the deductive method, and uncertainties are identified to verify the validity of the response correlations estimated by the deductive method.


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