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[2K15]Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF(11) Simulation of a start-up heating using updated material data for a new glass melter
*Yoshimitsu Asahi1, Akira Kodaka1 (1. JAEA)
TRP,TVF's 3rd glass melter,Simulation,CFD
To stably control the glass melter of Tokai Vitrification Facility (TVF), understanding the behavior of the melter's temperature and molten glass flow is necessary. Supporting operators to understand phenomena in the melter is a demand on a computer simulation with thermal-hydraulic-electric and particle analysis. A calculation result for the 2nd melter via the analysis has described the reason for growing PGE-rich residual glass, which was found after the 2021 campaign. Because the latest melter, TVF's 3rd melter, was built with refractories of different thermophysical properties, data applied to the simulation is updated. Using the data, a simulation result of the 3rd melter indicates the time required for a start-up heating process is comparable with the measured one in a cold operation, which means the data and the calculation are appropriate.
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